I love thinking about my brain. I picture its pathways all lit up and blinking like cars on the highway at night, thick and bright in the areas where I barely have to think about something at all, the neurons firing so smoothly, the trajectory so effortless. Look how they light up when I harmonize […]

Heart speaks.

There are so many things I could write about. Watching her brave face crumple as soon as she collapsed against her physical therapist, legs frail and body exhausted after walking 45 steps down the hall. Singing Alicia Keys as she walked, as she sobbed in her bed for ten minutes after. I could linger in […]

Here, holding

Heart is crowded tonight –its swollen waterskin – the tension it takesto keep a surface. I thinkit is just an illusion,as I listen to Death Caband remember curling into youon the leather couch cushions.I watched my friend cryas I left her lighthouse porchand my eyes sang back her ocean hymns.I am often unsure of whois […]


Some Kind of “Why I Write” Poem Yes, I guessI have a lot of feelingsmy friends greet mewith boxes of tissuesin hand – I writemonuments to momentsthat froze me insidethink of my eyesas thawing if it helps– it helps. I guess I thinkof childhood as akind of hibernationthe instinct of burrowingthat lingers beyond womba silence […]

Nostalgia and Feelings and Things

I noticed it first onstage when there were all these beings that I wanted to reach, and I had to draw myself out of a deeper place so that they could truly hear me – I notice it now in hospital rooms looking into people’s eyes, and alone in my apartment not caring if the […]